"For one more day" By Mitch Albom "Por un dia mas"
The novel "For one more day" written by Mitch Albom explores the hypothesis: what would you do and say if you had one more day with a person you loved and lost to death?
I would specially recommend this book to people who have problems with their mothers, or other family members, because I think it'll put things into perspective for them and make them realize those people might not be perfect, but they are not as bad as one might think, either, and as for all of us, they have reasons to act the way they do, or did. The protagonist of "For one more day" resented his mother for having left his Dad and in their "one special day" after her death, she gets to explain him that his Dad had another woman and a son. When she found out, she felt the Dad had not only betrayed her, but him as well and divorced him. She put her son through high school and college working two and three different jobs. The part in which she explains that people in their small town didn't want to hire, or invite her to family gatherings because she wasn't married anymore is moving, because it sounds very real.
I particularly thought of my grandmother as I read this 194 pages book, because I say it all the time and I mean it: I would give 10 years of my life to have her with me for one year. I didn't have a relationship with her like the one the protagonist of "For one more day"; I would just love to meet her as the girl and woman she was and I never got to know, because to me she was always my grandma.
One of my favorite quotes from the book is: "But there's a story behind everything. How a picture got on a wall. HOw a scar got on your face. Sometimes the stories are simple, and sometimes they are hard and heartbreaking. But behind all your stories is always your mother's story, because hers is where yours begins." (Page 194)
La novela "Por un dia mas" escrita por Mitch Albom explora la siguiente hipotesis: que harias y dijeras si tuvieras un dia mas con una persona amada que ya murio?
Yo le recomendaria este libro a las personas que tienen problemas con sus madres, u otros familiares, porque creo que les pusiera todo en perspectiva y los haria analizar que nadie es perfecto, pero tampoco tan malo y todos tenemos razones para actuar, o haber actuado de un cierto modo. El protagonista de "Por un dia mas" resentia a su madre por haber dejado a su padre, pero en ese "dia especial" despues de su muerte, la madre le explica a su hijo que su padre tenia otra mujer, e hijo. Cuando la madre se entero sintio que el padre no solo la habia amenazado a ella, pero tambien a su hijo y le pidio el divorcio. Despues pudo ayudar a su hijo mientras cursaba secundaria, e iba a la universidad trabajando dos y tres trabajos. La parte en la que ella le explica que la gente en el pueblito que vivian no la querian emplear, ni invitarla a eventos familiares porque ella era una mujer divorciada.
Yo en particular pense mucho en mi abuela cuando leia la novela de 194 paginas, porque lo digo todo el tiempo y lo siento: "Yo daria 10 anos de mi vida para tener a mi abuela conmigo por un ano mas, o al menos como la madre del libro, por un dia mas." Yo quisiera conocer a mi abuela como la nina y la mujer que ella fue y nunca conoci, porque para mi fue siempre mi abuela.

I particularly thought of my grandmother as I read this 194 pages book, because I say it all the time and I mean it: I would give 10 years of my life to have her with me for one year. I didn't have a relationship with her like the one the protagonist of "For one more day"; I would just love to meet her as the girl and woman she was and I never got to know, because to me she was always my grandma.
One of my favorite quotes from the book is: "But there's a story behind everything. How a picture got on a wall. HOw a scar got on your face. Sometimes the stories are simple, and sometimes they are hard and heartbreaking. But behind all your stories is always your mother's story, because hers is where yours begins." (Page 194)
La novela "Por un dia mas" escrita por Mitch Albom explora la siguiente hipotesis: que harias y dijeras si tuvieras un dia mas con una persona amada que ya murio?

Yo en particular pense mucho en mi abuela cuando leia la novela de 194 paginas, porque lo digo todo el tiempo y lo siento: "Yo daria 10 anos de mi vida para tener a mi abuela conmigo por un ano mas, o al menos como la madre del libro, por un dia mas." Yo quisiera conocer a mi abuela como la nina y la mujer que ella fue y nunca conoci, porque para mi fue siempre mi abuela.
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