Monday, November 10, 2008

My Restaurants' Guide around Miami/ Mi guia de restaurantes alrededor de Miami

For the past three years I've been eating a lot out and that shows in my extra pounds, but I can't say I regret my indulgences in the culinary pleasures. They're definitely worth the workouts afterwards. Friends and acquaintences have noticed my fairly recent knowledge of good and cheap places to eat and have been asking me for recommendations. I dedicate this guide I'll be adding more as I have time to write to them and especially to Sahily, the one that gave the idea of making my own restaurants' guide around Miami.

Sushi Musts
Restaurant Bonsai (8 street 130 AVE)
My favorites- The dancing shrimp, French Roll, everything is delicious. I haven't had sushi fresher than there anywhere else
Plus- Chick place to hang out with girlfriends and have a nice chat, or Sunday lunch. Hip music at night, that still allows diners to carry coherent conversations. The place is even nice to bring a boyfriend, or invite family relatives who strangely enough might like sushi.


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